I just finished reading, “A Dream So Big,” (Zondervan, 2013) the fantastic story about Steve Peifer, a reluctant missionary. God gave Steve Peifer one mandate: Go, make your wife Nancy’s dreams come true. What makes that divine direction so amazing is that 20 years before, when Steve proposed marriage, he told Nancy that if she said, “yes”, she would have to give up her dream of being a missionary in Africa.
After the loss of their infant son, Stephen, God sent this family on a year-long assignment to Kenya to mend and change their broken hearts. God’s plan was to use this tragedy to give HOPE, not only to this family, but also to the poorest of Kenyan children. Surely, as the Scripture says, “A man’s heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9)
Another book I recently read entitled, “Only God!” (Lucid Books, 2020) also speaks about big dreams. This one is about a Baptist pastor, Edward Paz. Pastor Edward built a dynamic ministry in one of Oakland, California’s most crime-ridden neighborhoods.
Both Steve and Edward made a bunch of mistakes. Actually, as you read the stories of these two men, their failures far exceeded their victories! Yet God, in all His glory and power, made something out of nothing through these men. Men who, at first, didn’t even WANT to do what God was calling them to do.
Consider the strange array of personalities Jesus chose to be His disciples: Thomas, a skeptic; Peter, seriously impetuous, and Judas, ultimate betrayer. Yet, Jesus used them in amazing ways to create a movement that continues today, after 21 centuries! If God can use an unlikely bunch of misfits like Jesus’ disciples, Steve Peifer, and Edward Paz, I’m convinced He can use ANYONE! In fact, God is in the business of taking reluctant people, people the world deems hopeless, and using them in amazing ways to make His glory and grace known.
When God called us to start a ministry to missionaries, it was “A Dream So Big.” We knew “Only God!” could make it happen. A decade later, we have incorporated a non-profit, built two buildings, and hosted hundreds of volunteers to help ready those facilities to serve missionaries. During that time we also hosted dozens of missionary guests. We loved on them physically and fed them spiritually. They returned refreshed, strengthened in the Spirit of God, to conquer the “giants” in the lands in which they serve.
We never dreamed it would take nearly six years to complete our guest home. Yet, those LONG years proved helpful in preparing us for ministry. Don’t get me wrong, the process was no picnic! In fact, it was downright depressing at times. But as we look back, we see multiple miracles reflecting the hand of God in every detail. One fantastic example is when a missionary couple stopped by to help for a few days. As it turned out, they possessed expertise no one else had on how to fit the beams together to properly support the roof of the new house. What an incredible blessing for them to arrive according to God’s timetable!
If we are willing –we need only be willing, not necessarily knowledgeable– God has plans for you and me. He will use us to accomplish seemingly irrational feats. Saying “yes” to God when He speaks will bless you a thousand times over. Saying “no” will bring lifelong regrets.
What has the Lord spoken to you, that you see as laughably impossible? Loosen your grip. Allow God to take you “along for the ride” that will accomplish A Dream So Big.