A burning bush: Moses was in the desert, herding his father-in-law’s sheep. At what was probably the lowest time in his life his eye was caught by a most unusual sight – a bush on fire, but not consumed. (Exodus 3) As Moses was drawn to the phenomenon, a voice spoke to him and he experienced the glory of the Lord. This, his first up close and personal encounter with God, began a rather lengthy conversation concerning the deliverance of the Israelites from over 400 years of Egyptian slavery. And throughout their 40-year wandering, God guided and protected His people with His visible presence – a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.

A swirling night sky: A young mother headed home from dropping her husband off for his shift at a remote radar site in Alaska. They lived near the Arctic circle, and the sky had been deep blue for hours. As she rounded a curve, the deep night sky came alive in an endless dance of swirling colors. Mesmerized by the indescribable beauty before her, she pulled the car to the side of the road to take in this breathtaking experience. She couldn’t help but wonder if this was a miniscule glimpse of the glory of the Lord. Though she had heard of the Northern Lights, she was unprepared for a personal encounter with them. She had been lonely and miserable when she first encountered this night-sky phenomenon, a memory which still amazes her. That night marked a turning point in her life as she became aware of the reality of a living and personal God that she had never known before.

A cloud INSIDE a church: Years ago, a pastor was reassigned to a dying congregation of his denomination. For many months, he faithfully preached God’s Word. Yet there was still only a handful of folks who gathered, six of whom were his own family. One day he was so discouraged that he fell to his knees beside the pulpit. He cried out to the Lord to fill this small church with His presence. The sanctuary suddenly became amazingly peaceful. Instinctively, this pastor raised his head and opened his eyes. A cloud filled the room. He blinked and shook himself. Was he dreaming? But the cloud was real and throbbed with the Spirit of the Living God.

The pastor looked down at his Bible, and read the words in 2 Chronicles 7:1 – “…and the glory of the Lord filled the temple.” Inspired by this sacred moment, Pastor Jack Hayford sat down at the piano and spontaneously sang a new song: “His praise fills the temple. His peace fills my heart. His joy and His glory He did wondrously impart. The blest name of Jesus brought me freedom from sin. Now His praise fills the temple and His Spirit dwells within.” God began filling this church with people hungry to hear the Word and to worship King Jesus in spirit and in truth.

Three very different people with three unique circumstances, each at a crisis point in their lives. Each encountered a manifestation of the glory of the LORD when they each needed it most. Perhaps you are discouraged like Moses, the young mother, or the pastor, and you, too, want to open your eyes to see, hear, feel, and touch the presence and the glory of the Living God.

When you are at the end of yourself and realize you can’t fix the obstacles surrounding you, I challenge you to surrender it all before God’s heavenly throne. Then you, too, can seek to encounter the glory and ever-present love of God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the power of Holy Spirit, which will lift you up and guide you through the deepest, darkest valley.